Our Vision and Values


We aspire to represent the interests of football fans and become a respected and consulted stakeholder within football in Australia at all levels.

Position Statement

The FSAA is an inclusive, independent and democratic association working with supporters, governing bodies, leagues and other stakeholders to drive positive change in football through supporter engagement. A commitment to diversity underpins all of our activity and we oppose all forms of discrimination or violence in relation to football.


Inclusiveness and anti-discrimination

FSAA condemns all forms of discrimination based on a person’s age, disability, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, or immigrant status.


FSAA acknowledges and celebrates the multicultural diversity of football in Australia.

Equality of representation

FSAA seeks to represent all segments of football supporters, including but not limited to geographical representation and league representation.


FSAA seeks to be transparent in its decision making and working with its members and the public.


FSAA upholds democratic values: participation within the association, freedom of  expression and the rule of law.