
As you may be aware, in March this year we ran our first survey! The results were overwhelming, but thanks to all of you that completed it, we have an idea of what issues you would like us to advocate for. With that in mind, these are the first aims of the FSAA:

To provide a voice and representation for Australian football supporters

We are only as strong as our members, our voice only as loud as the voice given by our members, our decisions coming from our members. We believe the FSAA can achieve great things for football supporters, but we need YOU to make it happen.

To advocate for improved communication and consultation between administrators of the game and supporters

We are seeking greater communication consultation from the governing bodies (including APL and FA) with the supporters on decisions affecting supporters. We extend this advocacy to invite clubs to increase their engagement with their supporters, particularly with face to face fan forums.

To advocate for an improved supporter experience on match-days

With the current cost of living pressures Australians are facing, for many, attending football is becoming a luxury, one that is being cut out of budgets. We call on the APL to work with both clubs and supporter groups to offer better value ticket pricing and packages where supporters are not disadvantaged due to being an away fan and where we can have families coming back match after match.

We ask for greater consistency in the way matches are scheduled to maximise attendance and provide comfort and certainty to supporters. This includes appropriate kick off times that avoid summer heat and minimising consecutive games for teams home and away.

Finally, consultation between supporters and the governing bodies should extend to the quality content of the chosen broadcast partner. For those who can’t attend a game, the broadcast viewer experience should be first class, comparable to the best of any code, anywhere.

To advocate for improved relationships between supporters and authorities

The need to build effective relationships between fan groups, governing bodies, matchday authorities, police and local government is long overdue.

We ask governing bodies and clubs to play a stronger role in ensuring the relationships between the fans, the clubs and the relevant authorities remain healthy, respectful and open.

Every stakeholder should be able to celebrate a safe, noisy, colourful display of passion that drives teams to success and fans through the turnstiles.

Current Campaigns

To keep up to date with our current campaigns to address the above, please head over to our campaigns page.